1. Inspiration has been around for 36 years! In fact, it was already around even when Tony Buzan, who popularised the use of mind mapping, commented that such techniques should only be done with pencil and paper. He now wholeheartedly supports the use of digital tools for mind mapping. And, it is considered that Tony himself took inspiration (pardon the pun) from the likes of Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein in this area.
2. Inspiration can be used as an offline tool for Windows. Users can rely on its security and data protection, plus use it on the move without 4G, or Wi-Fi. This is a huge plus point, especially for some of our users who work for the likes of the Home Office, the Ministry of Justice or the Greater Manchester Police.
3. Our Outline View sets us apart - this is where users can flesh out their written work from their initial mind maps. Working with Inspiration means you can go from brainstorming to drafting, and onto the final written stage. Plus, our Sync tool means you can match the ordering of your outline to the ordering of your diagram and maintain the structure you want throughout.
4. No need to sign up for subscriptions or pay monthly plans - one payment, one licence, for as long as you want it. Many of our users start with Inspiration to help them through their studies and continue to rely on it thereafter, in the workplace and in their personal lives.
5. Creating your work or college presentation in Inspiration couldn’t be simpler! With Inspiration's Presentation feature, you can easily take your work from a diagram to a perfect presentation effortlessly.
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