Welcome to Inspiration Maps Generator

Turn your Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents into Inspiration diagrams in just a few simple steps. Try our free tool today!

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Cartoon laptop showing an Inspiration mind map with logos for PowerPoint and Word

Create your own Inspiration Map

Word document above, Inspiration diagram below with an arrow from the top to the bottom

Use the Inspiration Maps Generator tool, either the offline or online version, to take the content from any Word, PowerPoint or Excel document, and effortlessly create an Inspiration diagram. Simply register, receive the download and link to the online version, upload your document, and then download your new Inspiration file.

  • Import a written document into Inspiration to process, spatially re-organise, and synthesise the content in a non-linear and creative way.
  • Automatically convert presentation slides into an Inspiration diagram, to note take and build out diagrams using research from other sources.
  • Take Word documents exported from other AT software, such as Glean or ProStudy, into Inspiration to flesh out notes visually and kick-start the writing process.

The synchronised Diagram and Outline View mean you can see your project in a visual map, or a structured outline format with the click of a button.

Click to learn more about Inspiration Maps Generator.